Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Adapter Makes Your Lenses Wider, Faster and Sharper!

This is a brief excerpt from F-Stoppers

Impossible, right? That’s what I said too when I ran across Metabones’ new Speed Booster today (currently only available for pre-order). One important thing to get out of the way first off though before you get as excited as I did… this adapter is currently only available to convert from EF, ALPA and Leica-R mounts, to Sony NEX and Fuji X mirrorless cameras.

That said, lets get to the details. (If you want to check out the white paper all the juicy tech bits are in there)

The Speed Booster is similar to a teleconverter with one major difference. A teleconverter increases magnification where the Speed Booster (a focal reducer) has a magnification of x0.71. As a result more of the image, and more light is able to fall on the sensor. When DX and APS-C DSLR’s were first introduced the question of making “inverse” teleconverters that reduced magnification rather than increased it was as well. The technology is in active use for telescopes, so why not a DSLR? Well, because of the reflex mirror. According to Metabones the mirror essentially “makes the design of a true general purpose focal reducer impossible.” However now we have more and …

By: David Bickley

Continued… click here!

via planet5D pinterest news

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