Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Keep Track of Your Battery Levels

This is a brief excerpt from DSLR Video Shooter

It is the end of a long day of shooting, and you have one last crucial shot/interview to get, when all a sudden “click!!!!” your camera shuts down. Your heart sinks as you check the camera screen to find that evil little empty battery symbol mockingly blinking back. “Its ok… I have spare batteries” you say to yourself as you franticly search your bag for batteries…


You know how you told yourself you would keep your full and empty batteries separate? Well, you didn’t, and now you get to check each battery in your camera while everyone else waits and watches… And you just missed your shot. Good times, good times.

This is painful to a lot of us because we’ve all been there. It just plain sucks. BUT today I’ll show you my solution to this problem.

Most people don’t know this, but there is a built in way to label your batteries as full or empty. This works best with the Canon LP-E6 batteries, but you can make it work with any battery with a simple mod. If you look at the back of your LP-E6 battery you will see two colors, …

By: Caleb Pike

Continued… click here!

via planet5D pinterest news http://pins.planet5d.com/how-to-keep-track-of-your-battery-levels/

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