This is a brief excerpt from DSLR News Shooter
By site editor Dan Chung:Genesis from James Miller on Vimeo.
Okay – so I am officially impressed. A week after the Magic Lantern team unveiled their Canon DSLR RAW hack to the world there have already been substantial improvements to its reliability and usability. There is no doubt that the image quality is substantially better than the stock All-I and H.264 encoding of the 5D mkIII. The fact that many older Canon DSLRs are also able to shoot RAW at lower resolutions is also a feat indeed. As other blogger have pointed out, the RAW-enabled 5D has an aesthetic that is currently almost unique due to the full-frame sensor.
If you already own a 5D mkIII then for some shoots the RAW format may be incredible helpful. There is no denying that the sample RAW footage around the web does look wonderful. Above is a very good example of just what can be achieved by the very talented James Miller; other examples, below, are examples by Andrew Reid of EOSHD and Johnnie Behiri of Cinema5D.Canon 5D Mark III Continuous Raw Video with Magic Lantern (1920×1280 24p) from Andrew Reid on Vimeo.
A RAW in the park. (Canon 5D …
By: Dan Chung
via planet5D pinterest news
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