Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Creating The Photograph: Chris Gampat’s, “The Darkest Ballerina”

This is a brief excerpt from thePhoBlographer

Editor’s Note: Creating the Photograph is a new series that we’re starting where we interview photographers all about the photo that they shot and talk to them about how it was achieved. The results are some knowledge passed onto you. Want to be featured? Email editors[at]thephoblographer[dot]com

Much of the work that I feature on this site is my mediocre stuff simply because of the fact that I understand that not everyone wants to aspire to be a professional photographer or has ever been one. To that end, much of the images I shoot also have very little photoshopping or editing done to them. But at other times, I just want to create something. And I spent months developing the idea for the image you see above in my head.

This is the story of how I created that photo.

The Concept

I have an absolutely serious obsession with lighting that may one day require me to be institutionalized. I was trained in cinematic lighting in college and since then I’ve been experimenting with various techniques and creative ideas to get the images that I want. But one concept that I had was balancing …

By: Chris Gampat

Continued… click here!

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