Sunday, February 24, 2013

FStoppers Old Gear Review- Radiopopper PX

This is a brief excerpt from F-Stoppers

I am the type of photographer that doesn’t stay up to date on the latest gear. Instead, I find what works for me and I use it until I hear about something that works better. This is why it was so hard for me to hand in my Pocketwizard Plus II‘s for the Radiopopper PX system. But boy am I glad that I did.

Plus II’s are tanks. They are virtually indestructible. I used them for years with nary a misfire. But there was one thing they couldn’t do. High speed sync. This hadn’t been an issue for me since I was using a Profoto Acute 2R strobe system. Since I do the majority of my shooting on location, rather than in studio, I had grown tired of the heavy lights. Not to mention being tethered to a power source. I had heard of high speed sync (HSS) and starting looking into it a bit more.

1/2,000 @ f/1.8

1/4,000 @ f/1.8

1/4,000 @ f/2.8

I find out that I couldn’t do HSS with typical strobes. I needed to ditch the Profotos and get Canon speedlites. I also needed a different type of wireless transmitter. I was thrilled to find …

By: Nick Fancher

Continued… click here!

via planet5D pinterest news

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