Thursday, February 21, 2013

Have you heard the news? cinema5D forums are moving to planet5D!

We’re so excited! The announcement was just posted on cinema5D!

planet5D is the new permanent home of the forums from

At planet5D, the HDSLR cinema revolution not only continues but grows!

I would like to welcome all of our friends from the Cinema5D forums as they merge into planet5D!

Yes, it is true, the incredibly popular cinema5D forums are moving over to planet5D and will replace our existing forums! The cinema5D videolog is also coming over as well.


We’re currently testing a first cut at moving the forums over to a new forum platform under the planet5D domain. We anticipate we’ll do a final conversion on Monday, February 25th. The forums at cinema5D will be shut down and then a few hours later, they’ll re-emerge over on planet5D! We’ll be sure to give you the URL then.

Continue reading to find out more about the move and what is coming to planet5D – including a major giveaway for the move of the cinema5D forums to planet5D.

I’ll have another post on Monday once the forums are moved to give you much more detail on the changes and any actions you may need to perform.


Let me take a few moments to reflect back on where we came from and then about where we’re going.


Cinema5D was actually formed a month before planet5D back in late 2008. We both recognized that the HDSLR revolution was going to be significant but we focused on different areas of our websites. cinema5D was initially a forum, and planet5D was initially a wiki – which soon became a news blog with a wiki on the side.

About a year into both websites lives, cinema5D added a news blog and planet5D added a forum – so we were both migrating into similar website styles. cinema5D was a much bigger forum than the planet5D forums ever were.

We were both also initially running these sites as part time jobs. Both Sebastian and I were doing other things full-time and running our websites as we could on the side.

Then in 2010, I was laid off from my day job and began running planet5D as my full-time job. I continued to try to grow the planet5D forums, but with such a formidable fan base in cinema5D, it proved to be very difficult. At times, I’ve toyed with the idea of closing the planet5D forums all together – they just didn’t have traction.

Back in November of last year, I approached Sebastian with an idea. I thought possibly he was interested in focussing on his filmmaking career and might want to get out of running the forums and constantly tracking ‘news’. He thought it was pretty good idea and over the months, we’ve negotiated and have come to agreement on a deal where the cinema5D forums, videolog, and reviews sections are going to move over to planet5D. Sebastian will continue with filmmaking and other new endeavors while I will continue to focus on making the new “enhanced” planet5D an even better site than ever before!

The future

So, in the coming months, many things are going to improve around here!

As we close the old planet5D forums, I’m sure many of you will want to participate in the new forums. All registrations from cinema5D will move over automatically and we’ll have more advanced features as well – again, more on that on Monday.

The forums will also continue the tradition of being a pleasant place to learn and share. The moderating staff will encourage you to be informative without trolling. It isn’t that we’re going to ban people for being negative, everyone is entitled to share their opinion, but this will not be like youtube (i use that as an example as many people are aware of the trolls on youtube). Name calling and bashing just simply will not be tolerated. Plus, we’ll encourage you to share more; when you say “that’s great” we’d like you to say why it is great. People learn from others and so additional details are greatly appreciated.

Other new planet5D things:

We’re hiring some writers to help post more great material – look for those to start coming on board soon.

I’m also working on streamlining and improving the current blog layout – you’ll notice those changes gradually. And, I would really love to hear your comments and suggestions!

We’ve also have some other amazing things planned for later this year – so keep your eyes on the sky over planet5D!

Oh, and don’t forget there will be an announcement shortly of a huge forum giveaway! All chatter going on in the forums will count as entries, so be ready to be chatty and informative!

This is going to be a great year!

With so many things going on and things I can’t tell you about yet, I’m just giddy with excitement and I hope you are too. Don’t be shy about sounding off it the comments as well, I’m sure you’re excited about this too!

(cover photo credit: snap from the new forum logo)

via planet5D pinterest news

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