Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Useful Photography Tip #54: Use Your Phone’s Flashlight to Aid Your Camera’s Autofocus

This is a brief excerpt from thePhoBlographer

No matter how advanced autofocusing algorithms have become, they still tend to suffer in low light situations. Granted, your camera has an AF assist lamp/bulb. But sometimes, that little short-ranged illuminator isn’t enough to help your camera focus in the near dark.

Over our years of running this site, we’ve had to test many cameras in low light settings. And even though we place our focusing points on highly contrasting points, it hasn’t always worked. The solution is something that is highly mobile: your phone. Many phones have a flashlight app (or one can be downloaded.) If you shine this light on your subject, your camera will have less trouble focusing on that area of the frame.

To do this, you’ll need to hold the camera with one hand and your phone with the other–so hold super still while you’re doing it. For extra stabilization, hold the camera in closer to your body and control your breathing. Some people fire better at the top of their breath while others do better at the bottom.

Want more Useful Photography Tips? Check out our entire catalog here.

Tagged as: autofocus, camera, flashlight, focusing, phone

By: Chris Gampat

Continued… click here!

via planet5D pinterest news http://pins.planet5d.com/useful-photography-tip-54-use-your-phones-flashlight-to-aid-your-cameras-autofocus/

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