Monday, April 1, 2013

Doctor Who as Lighting U.

This is a brief excerpt from Strobist

We have a rule in the Hobby household. If the kids can get ready for bed quickly enough, we get to watch an episode of Doctor Who together. It is one of those rare shows that is equally enjoyed by every member of our family—including two middle-aged parents, a 12-year-old boy and a 14-year-girl.That alone is remarkable. And as good as the show is, I’ve lately found myself watching it for the lighting as much as the imaginative story lines. A look at perhaps the most Strobist-y show on the TV dial, below.__________It’s Bigger on the InsideFor the uninitiated, a couple of things. The TARDIS (which stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is essentially a machine in which The Doctor is able to travel across space and time. The exterior of the TARDIS is seen just above; the interior is seen at top. The Doctor is a Time Lord, and various things are revealed about his history through the course of the series.I won’t waste space here duplicating previous efforts at describing the show. Hit IMDB and Wikipedia to learn more. But suffice to say that without the limits of linear space and time ( …


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